Monday, September 29, 2008

Lax...No, Busy?!

I was feeling like I had been very lax last week, but I really wasn't, just very busy!!!

4 football games, football practices, a Birthday party, a sick 12 year old, the doctor's office, a concert, brother in town, OSU football, errands, house cleaning, work, husband, attorney; I think I fit some sleep in there somewhere.

Oh yeah, also my father-in-law in the hospital 2 weekends in a row...heart trouble, please keep him in your prayers!

No time to blog today either, currently at work, followed by errands, football practice, a football game, and time with the hubby!

I promise to try to be more sociable this coming week!

Friday, September 19, 2008

They're not Gypsies!

I've been having trouble sleeping, on and off, for several months; so my doctor prescribed me some wonderful little pills called Ambien. When I've had a few restless nights, I will usually take one to get a good night's sleep. I took Ambien several years ago when I was going through my divorce, my doctor pretty much said drugs or the psych ward and I went the drug route.

When I took it before, I would have episodes when if I didn't fall right to sleep I would have these strange things happen (all in my mind of course). So one evening back then, I was laying in bed and there were all these gypsies just hanging out in the room with me. Imagine my soon to be ex-husband's surprise when I called him at 11PM to say that my room was full of gypsies, his response was "Laura, turn on the light", wah-lah, the gypsies were gone.

Fast forward to the present, last night I took an Ambien, after several restless nights. This morning as I'm driving to work, my husband Derek called, he informed me that from now on if I take Ambien he is sleeping in the other room because I was snoring like a freight train. He also mentioned that as I was falling asleep, I told him that our bedroom closet was full of people, but I kept saying "They're not gypsies". Of course, he was completely puzzled by the entire after the above explanation, he understood my strange comment, "They're not gypsies".

This is the reason the warning on the label says, "DO NOT OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY"!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


So, in my dashing this morning (having to deliver 3 children to 3 different schools creates this dashing) I some how managed to forget to put on deoderant. As I'm driving to my first school (yes, I'm practically a bus driver), I'm arguing with myself, in my head of course, about how I could have possibly forgotten such an important task. I reach the conclusion that I'm a just a crazy basket case with B.O.

After my first two stops, I find that I have about 15 minutes before I have to be at the 3rd stop so Hunter and I run into Wal-Greens in search of Secret deoderant. $15 later, thanks to the fact that I can't stay on task and only purchase the one thing that I went in for, we're in the car and I'm putting on deoderant and feeling like a real loser for forgetting it in the first place. My wonderful little Hunter, sensing my disdain for myself, informs me that at least now I will have deoderant at work and should I forget it again I won't have to stop at Wal-Greens. Thanks to that very insightful 9 year old, I don't feel like such a loser anymore!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I have discovered the coolest thing. Maybe I'm behind on the times and this is nothing new, but it's new to me.; you can monitor your kids lunch money on this website. You can even make payment toward their lunch accounts on this website. I love it, with my kids being in multiple households, this is huge!

So, if you are an Edmond public school parent, you should definitely check into this. Call your children's individual schools and get their ID number from the cafeteria, register on the website and you're ready to's AWESOME!!! I'm sure it's available for other school districts as well, so check into it.

I love technology!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Overwhelmed... what I'm feeling today! Ever had one of those days, well sure you have?! It's Tuesday, seems way to early in the week to be overwhelmed...but Hi, I'm Laura and here I am; OVERWHELMED!

I really don't even know where to start, maybe it started yesterday with work, followed by 2 (yes, 2) football games, then not getting home until 10PM. Today, work, 2 (yes, 2) football games, and my Husband wants to go to the State Fair. It's only Tuesday, I've done enough for the whole week already. We still have days of football practices, football games, homework, Mommy work, Husband work, Birthday parties...and by then it will only be Friday! AAAHHH...can you hear me screaming, listen closely because I'm sure you can!

I'm not looking for sympathy, trust me I know way to many Moms to even think about that...I just need to vent! And vent! And vent! And vent some more!

I love my life, I love my God for giving it to me...and I also love Him for providing the prescription "please make me normal" pills that I take everyday!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today I'm a Sister!

I have to toot my sisterly horn today! My brother, the Marine, just made Staff Sergeant...woo hoo, oh's ooh rah! He is going to be leaving his fabulous Missouri locale to head back to the West coast, oh darn, I'm going to have to go visit Southern California again!

I promised my boys that I would take them this time, so they will be thrilled, my husband too...darn, we all have to go visit Southern California!

I have a half brother that lives out there too, so my Dad has his best chance at having all of his kiddos together when J is stationed out there; I'm sure he is thrilled as well!

Bottom line is I'm extremely proud of my brother...and ROAD TRIP!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Everyone is doing it!

So, you know how your kids will hit you with that statement..."but Mom, everyone is doing it"...and you really don't want to sound like your own Mom, but you hear the words coming out of your mouth before you even realize it..."if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do it too"?!

Well, the question is raised because I find myself starting a blog. What is the reason? Am I doing it because "everyone is doing it"? Wow, what would my kids say right now?

The answer, by the way, is NO! Although nobody may find my life at all interesting, I happen to be a fan and think it might be fun to blab about it! I promise to be honest and forthcoming. This may not be a good thing and I may upset some people (i.e. my husband and kiddos) when I get going but the reason I'm doing this is so maybe the people that do read can say to themselves "you know what, her life is just as screwed up as mine". And I promise it is, you are not alone!