Monday, December 29, 2008

Bless the Broken Road

Have you ever heard the song by Rascal Flatts?

It talks about the heartbreak suffered in your past but also gives thanks for that heartbreak because it leads you to where you are now, to who you're with now.

I'm not a huge Rascal Flatts fan, but I really love this song! It has such a good message. I have suffered plenty of heartbreak in my past; ended relationships and friendships, divorce, real true heart wrenching pain from losing someone or finding out that you never really had someone.

But here's the good part...this pain and heartbreak has lead me to where I am now; to my Husband who I thank God for everyday, to my "true" friends, to my family and my kids who I appreciate more now than ever before! If it weren't for all of the bad before, I wouldn't have gotten to the good now!

Has heartbreak led you to where you are now? Looking back, was it worth it?

Thank God that he blessed the broken road that led me to here!